Finance minister, Matia Kasaija has appointed Dr Wilberforce Kisamba- Mugerwa, the current chairperson of the National Planning Authority (NPA) to chair the Microfinance Support Centre Limited (MSC).
MSC is a government-owned company established in 2001 and has managed various micro credit programmes funded by the African Development Bank, government funds and Islamic Development Bank.
MSC provides affordable credit through loan products that support the agricultural value chain and the company provides business development services to its clients.
Ministry spokesperson Jim Mugunga confirmed the development to this website.
“It’s correct. The old board term expired after it served its two terms. A new board was appointed and the minister confirmed [Dr] Kisamba as its chairman,” Mr Mugunga said.
Kisamba Mugerwa and his team replace five former board members whose terms of office expired on January 18, 2018.
The former board was headed by Ms Justine Bagyenda, former Director of Banking and Supervision, Bank of Uganda.
By press time however, other members of the board were not known.
Dr Mugerwa, 73, has served the country in different capacities for decades.
He is the executive chairperson, National Planning Authority and serves as the Chancellor Ndejje University.
Prior to that, he was the director of International Food Policy Research Institute is an international agricultural research centre founded in the early 1970s division in Addis Ababa since 2004.
He was the Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry, and Fisheries for five years; he has also served Uganda as Minister of State, Minister of State for Finance and Economic Planning, and as Minister without Portfolio in the Prime Minister’s Office.
He has also served as a Member of Parliament and a senior research associate with the Makerere Institute of Social Research, Makerere University in Kampala.