Fifteen Nyakeyo Secondary School students have been arrested in Marani, Kisii on suspicion of torching villagers’ houses and destroying their property.
The students accused the villagers of “bewitching” a colleague who fell ill and died on Saturday.
They allegedly stormed out of their school and went to Metembe and Gekongo villages where they razed three houses and destroyed banana and maize plants.
School principal Simon Onsarigo declined to talk to reporters about the incident and instead referred them to the police and education officials.
Kisii County Police Commander Abdi Hassan said six students were arrested while burning the houses while others were seized as they fled.
“We are still looking for others because I am told they were many,” Mr Hassan said.
Those arrested will be charged with arson and malicious destruction of property, said Mr Hasan.
He said he had ordered round the clock surveillance on the school to ensure no further destruction will be done by the students.