All East Africa - Latest NewsEthiopia

Ethiopia detains 130 individuals for alleged corrupt practices

Corruption in Ethiopia is a lot less than other African countries. Even though a legislative framework against corruption exists in Ethiopia, anti-corruption regulations are rarely enforced.
By Muluneh Gebre,
Ethiopia’s Federal Police Commission has detained 130 individuals for alleged corrupt practices, an official said . 
The suspects were arrested on suspicion of alleged corrupt practice in public procurement, housing and land development, banking and share companies -related activities as well as tax fraud, among others, Commander Desta Asmelash, Executive Advisor to the Federal Police Commissioner said in a briefing on Friday
Since the federal police launched investigation in corrupt criminal practices, it has received 260 tip offs from public, government and non-governmental organizations, the commander said.
According to the commander, 130 of the 260 are under custody and the Commission has frozen assets and properties of 13 of the suspects, 8 large share companies, 4 buildings, 49 vehicles, 22 villas and two factories.
The remaining suspects are under investigation. Among the suspects included government officials and professionals, he added.
Addis Ababa Police Commission last Wednesday arrested 125 people on suspicion of corruption.

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