Jubilee Secretary General Raphael Tuju has hailed the good relationship between Kenya and Rwanda and congratulated President Paul Kagame for his re-election as the Chairman of the Rwanda Patriotic Front.
Mr Tuju was speaking at the new RPF headquarters in Kigali where he noted that Rwanda has achieved so much within a short time under Kagame leadership.
“The country has made big strides in areas such as environmental conservation and management, unity of its people and in business,” said Mr Tuju accompanied by three legislators from Kenyan Parliament.
The delegation form Jubilee Party said the lessons learnt from RPF as a party were numerous including the fact that development ideology for the Rwandan people was the foundation of RPF.
Mr Tuju called for closer ties in different areas between Kenya and Rwanda for the mutual benefit of the people of both countries.
During the weeklong events to mark the RPF existence in Rwanda, resident Paul Kagame was elected unopposed to continue at the helm of RPF leadership.
He noted that for Africa to progress at high rate and for the benefit of its citizens, African countries must continue to work together.
President Paul Kagame took the reins of the country in 2000 after leading a rebel movement to stop the 1994 Genocide where nearly 1 million Tutsis and moderate Huts were killed.
The country applied alternative justice systems to reconcile the people through the Gecaca court systems and has resulted in rapid growth of the economy priding one of the most ICT based economies in the World.
Rwanda women representation in parliament is also one of the highest with nearly 60 per cent of legislators being females.
With a population of 12million Rwanda led the drive of banning plastics, a move that has since been adopted by other countries including recently in Kenya.
Today Rwanda is third worldwide in the easy to do business index where business permits are obtained within less than a day.
“We are ready and open for business as we offer a competitive business environment,” said Ms Claire Akamanzi, the CEO of Rwanda Development Board.
Today Kenyan businesses are thriving in the country with such brands as Equity Bank, Mount Kenya University as well as I&M Banks as part of the larger Corporate Rwanda.