All East Africa - Latest NewsKENYA

IG Joseph Boinnet reinstates Nasa MPs’ security

The government has restored the security it withdrew from opposition MPs, especially those allied to the National Super Alliance (Nasa).

National Assembly Minority Whip Junet Mohammed on Monday said police attached to him had called and to inform him that they were set to report to work.

141 MPS

“It’s true our security has been restored. Mine has called me and he is on his way coming,” Mr Junet told the Nation.

National Assembly Minority Leader John Mbadi also confirmed that his driver had been called to go and collect the vehicles that were taken.

“My driver called me this morning that he has been told to go and pick the vehicles. I am yet to contact my security though,”

The State withdrew security detail of 141 opposition MPs over their involvement in Nasa leader Raila Odinga’s mock ‘oath’ as people’s president on January 30.

The Firearms Licencing Board also revoked their firearm licences.

The 141 legislators, through advocate George Miyare, moved to court, questioning the legal foundation of the move by the Inspector-General of Police and the Firearms Licencing Board.

The MPs said security officers only received verbal communication on January 30, to report back to their work stations without further explanation.

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