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Kalonzo Musyoka downplays Raila-Moi meeting

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has asked Kenyans not to read much in the Kabarak visit by ODM leader Raila Odinga.

Mr Kalonzo said he is also planning to visit the retired President Danile Moi at his home in Kabarak for blessings.

He made the statements while speaking to journalists in Nairobi on Friday after he jetted back to the country from Azerbaijan for an election observation mission.


A visit by Mr Odinga to Mr Moi’s Kabarak home on Thursday left tongues wagging and sparked debate about the 2022 presidential election.

The meeting came a month after Mr Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta pledged to work together in uniting the country and are expected to unveil a roadmap of their pact in the coming days.

During the visit, Mr Odinga was accompanied by Vihiga senator George Khaniri and Mvita MP Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir.

The opposition leader was received by Baringo Senator Gideon Moi, MPs William Kamket (Tiaty) and Silas Tiren (Moiben) as well as Kanu Secretary-General Nick Salat.

Mr Kalonzo also said that he was happy that Wafula Chebukati, the electoral commission chairman, has taken action against the agency’s CEO Ezra Chiloba.

“I am looking forward to Raila-Uhuru handshake resulting to reforms at the commission,” he said.


Last week, Mr Wafula sent Mr Chiloba on compulsory leave pending investigations involving five tenders for last year’s General Election.

Mr Chiloba moved to court and challenged the decision.

He lost bid to temporarily lift his suspension from the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission.

Judge Stephen Radido on Friday declined to grant the CEO’s request, saying he needed to hear all parties and facts of the case first.

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