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Governor Joho makes peace with President Kenyatta

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has said he no longer has a score to settle with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Mr Joho, who has been a critic of President Kenyatta’s government, extended an olive branch.

“Initially we used to be sceptical of visits by President Kenyatta in this region, particularly in Mombasa. But now we are looking forward to his visits in Mombasa because we want to continue building bridges,” he said on Thursday.

Mr Joho said the move will allow normalcy to return in matters governance.

“The focus is to better the lives of wananchi because that is why we are all elected after all,” he added.

He made the remarks after meeting with Baringo Senator Gideon Moi who paid him a courtesy call in Mombasa.

Two weeks ago, Mr Joho also offered a hand of friendship to the ruling Jubilee Party when he met with Senators Kimani Wamatangi (Kiambu), Charles Kibiru (Kirinyaga) and Senator Millicent Omanga.

He told them that he is ready to work with the government following the peace deal reached by Mr Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga in March.

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