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Police release security warning ahead of Independence Day celebrations

As Uganda prepares to celebrate her 56th Independence anniversary on October 09, 2018, the Uganda Police Force has released what they termed as ‘Public Security Warning’.

According to the police statement released on September 28, and signed by the Spokesperson SSP Emilian Kayima, Police have got information that some criminal elements within and outside the country may want to commit heinous crimes against members of the public especially VIPs like ministers, MPs, senior executives and security personnel.

“These could be in form of assassinations and terror attacks in all forms,” police statement reads in part.

The statement adds: “This is therefore to inform the country that security is prepared to decisively fight these crimes. We continue to monitor their activities. We have strategically deployed both overtly and covertly to frustrate their criminal intentions.”

The police appeal to members of the public especially the categories mentioned above to take extra caution and be vigilant against these possible attacks.

Police have therefore released guidelines which should be followed by members of the public to ensure that safety and security prevails in the country.

Below are the many things that should be done to avert these possible attacks:

  • Be vigilant and alert to avoid being caught off guard by quickly reporting suspicious characters, suspicious phone calls and suspicious movements around your home or office premises. While driving, watch the vehicles or motor cycles that could be following you and take appropriate action like calling the police, parking in highly populated areas or where there is security along the highways. You can still notify a friend to coordinate it with security.
  • It is very important to avoid routines, be it in terms of movements, timings and places visited like shopping centres.
  • It is a good security measure to always inform your family members of your movements. It is fair enough to always let them know of your travel plans, persons you intend to meet, expected time of return home and your fears if any. This helps in quick reporting and quick intervention from the police in case of security related challenges.
  • When any person goes missing for 24hours, you report the matter to the nearest police station for intervention. When such people thereafter, as it often happens please remember to notify the police.
  • Finally, the Uganda Police Force will continue to work hand in hand with security agencies and members of the public to ensure safety and security for all.

Daily Monitor

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